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Testimonials Maple Leaf Canada

This are just some of many success stories we have been able to participate in. If you are interested, please call us toll free (US and Canada) 1 888 665 1356, or complete the form and one of our facilitators will contact you.
"After I’ve received the Radio-frequency Ablation treatment offered by Avion Surgical Solutions Inc., the only problem I have is that I wish I had done it sooner.  The treatment requires revisiting the clinic every 15 days and you will notice significant results. The procedure I’ve had done focuses on my leg.  It felt hot in the beginning, but the doctor made sure that I felt comfortable and that I was safe at all time.  The staff were extremely professional and I felt pretty secure leaving myself to them.  Even just after a few hours, I already felt some amazing change in my leg posture.  The muscles in my legs felt tighter, I felt my skin smoother and healthier and the wrinkles that were on my leg for ages already seem to get lighter.  I have to thank Avion Surgical Solutions, Inc.  for introducing me to this wonderful treatment.  I would definitely recommend this procedure and the Avion Surgical Solutions team to my fellow female friends who want to improve the shape of their legs.  It is totally worth it."
Sarah Huang- Canada

當我從 Avion Surgical Solutions Inc. 做完了 Radiofrequency Ablation 療程後, 我後悔為什麼我不早點發現此療程.  Radiofrequency Ablation療程大約每15天要回去複診, 而在過程中妳會感覺到很大的變化.  我是做注重於腿部的療程.  一開始時我感覺到機器經過我腿部的時候是溫溫的, 當機器多推幾次之後腿部漸漸開始熱起來, 過程中醫生會利用另一台儀器來查看腿部溫度是否一致在大約40度左右.  儘管有灼熱的感覺, 他們的醫療團隊無時不刻的關心我的狀況, 態度專業, 讓我非常放心地將我交給他們.  在只做了幾個小時之後我已經感覺到明顯的不同.  我發現到腿上的贅肉開始緊實, 我的皮膚變得比之前還更有光澤 任辰紋也已有明顯的變淡.   我要感謝 Avion Surgical Solutions Inc. 讓我認識到 Radiofrequency Ablation 的好.  我由衷的建議此療程和 Avion Surgical Solutions Inc. 給我其他女性朋友.  此療程絕對可以幫助想變美的人變得更美!"

Sarah Huang- Canada


"I recently traveled from Colorado to Mexico City to see Dr. Baledon, who had been highly recommended by some colleagues in the medical field.

My experience was outstanding. The office atmosphere is highly relaxed and very friendly. I instantly felt comfortable with Dr. Baledon's excellent bedside manner and true concern for the well being of her patients.

Her warmth and personal touch made my anxiety dissipate quickly. Not to mention her knowledge, experience and superior clinical skill. The procedure, Cortex Laser, was explained in detail, as well as postoperative instructions, short, long-term expectations and clinical results.

The procedure was comfortable and the results exceeded my expectations.

I highly recommend Dr. Baledon. She is the best. I will definitely continue to travel to Mexico City to receive such quality and excellence in medical skin care."

Ana Hasfura- United States